Friday, May 29, 2015

A Few Updates

Just checking in here since it's been a while.
I wish I had more to share but life got busy, as it does. With that said, I am once again ramping up for DragonCon 2015 in September, and the costuming frenzy is nearing a fever pitch.
At Big Wow; I'm the Doctor's 'Galactic' mechanic.

Over the last two months, we've also had two local sci-fi/fantasy conventions to San Jose; Big Wow and BayCon. While BayCon was very low-key, we made the fun happen by gathering together with good friends, and just had a good time goofing off in costume.
Big Wow was also a lot of fun, and promises to be even bigger next year.

In other news, of which some of you may already be privy to; I've taken up mermaiding.
"What the hell is mermaiding?" You may be asking yourselves. Well, you can read more about that here:
A Description From Mermaid Kat
Mernetwork FAQ: What Is Mermaiding?
and more, in my blog dedicated to my adventures in fins (so far):
Shimmer From The Deep - Freyja The Viking Mermaid

For now, I'll leave you with a recent photo taken this past weekend at BayCon, while I took a quick dip in the pool with my fins. I'll be updating here soon with posts and/or links to all the costuming projects I have going for DragonCon this year.
Photo by Mary Anne Butler


  1. Hi!
    I've nominated you to the "Sisterhood of Bloggers Award"!
    To read more and to claim your award visit:

    Best Regards
    /Åsa - Fashion Through History

    1. Thank you!! Sorry for the late reply, I'll be sure to complete the tasks in the rules asap!


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