Monday, February 2, 2015

"Quick, Before It Melts!" The Frozen Photo Shoot: Part I

Two weeks ago I finally had the chance to do a proper photo shoot in my Elsa gown, with my "Anna", Lorelei Winter.
Near the snowy peaks above Lake Tahoe, there remained plenty of snow on the ground. As a large group of us were spending the weekend at a friend's summer cabin, we grabbed mittens, costumes, snow gear, sleds and cameras. Many, many thanks to Mary Anne Butler and Bill Watters for the photography skills.

"Anna loves her new flannel petticoat, but do I really need these boots?" The cold didn't bother me, but...yes. Yes I did need them.

I was surprised at how comfortable I was for nearly 2 hours, in what was essentially a strapless evening gown and not much underneath. Sanity dictated that I wear warm boots, and even though they clashed with the gown, I'm glad I did. "Anna" wore her regular boots, but kept sinking into the deeper snowdrifts. Sometimes well above her knees. My boots were built for snow, and (for the most part) kept me from sinking past my ankles. My "ice slippers" would have likely come off my feet with each step

Moments of glamour...

...and lot's of "WTF!" (FYI, Anna is not kneeling. She actually sank that deep!)

Stay tuned. More photos on the way!

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