Friday, February 15, 2013

Timeline For Projects

Also known as the 'GET IT DONE!' list.
This is going to be somewhat of a challenge this Spring, since there are a lot of events going on to eat up my time, but I will try my best.

So, without further ado, here is my first stab at an actual schedule:

- Velvet frock coat, waistcoat and breeches for Anders - Finish date of March 18th

- Georgian stays, bumroll(s) and shift - Finish date of April 20th

- 18th century gown of some kind and hat - Finish date of May 20th

- New Victorian corset (1850s-70s), hoop and bustle - Finish date of June 31st

- The V&A 1870s gown & bonnet - Finish date of July 31st

- **Free project time frame for anything else I want/need to make (finishing the Sisi velvet ensemble, 1930s, 1830s, burlesque costume?)** - August 1st through August 30th

- **BEGIN THE DICKENS FAIR SEWING** - by August 31st

- 1850s day dress (skirt and bodice) - Finish date September 20th

- 1850s mantel and bonnet - Finish date September 31st

- Ladies 1850s-1860s military inspired ensemble - Finish date October 31st at the latest

So, let's see how that actually pans out amongst my real life, re-enactments, burlesque performances and day job work schedule. I'd definitely like to have at least one new ensemble completed for Dickens Fair, before the workshops begin in late October (?).

Yes, I could just start the Dickens stuff now, but the Rococo/18th century stuff must come first. It's been on the back burner for too many years. YEARS. I'm sick of having to shove aside all my 18th century ideas, patterns, fabrics and trimming stash for other era event sewing.
I need my RocoCocaine(tm) fix!


  1. Ambitious list! I find that when I'm Really Busy sometimes I manage to squeeze a little more in because I have less time to squander. Can't wait to see the 18thc ensemble! I've got a new one (or two) on the list this year too. :)

    1. I agree, that's usually when I do my best most effective work. There's a lot less of the "oh, I have plenty of time to work on it tomorrow".

  2. Wow!!! Look at you go girl!!!
    You can totally do it :) as I can't wait to see it all and see you at these events!!!

    And I'm always here if you need moral support, cheering, sewing motivation or just plain old fashioned booze and bitch time ;)


    1. Thanks sweet pea! I'm sure there will be plenty of bitch time before I'm done with Anders breeches, ha! The matching frock coat will seem like a cakewalk after those.
      The next time I make a pair of mens 18th century breeches for Anders, I'm cheating and using a modern pattern. Lauren (American Duchess) suggested the Simplicity 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' pattern. In the total time it has taken me to not only do the mockup and fitting of this JP Ryan pattern, but to make sense of the construction (granted, with crappy instructions), I could have made a whole 18th century gown. And I'm not even done! At least I'm 70% there.
      I was able to figure it out, but holy crap. This is introducing me to a whole other level of annoyingly vague-yet-complicated patterns that suck up my time...and just suck.
      One word of advice: if you are making breeches in the fall-front style, don't stop midway through, there are too many pattern pieces. When I went back to them today and spent a good 30 minutes just trying to figure out where I'd left off and what to approach next.
      ...Where's the vodka?


  3. I nominated you for a very inspiring blogger award! :)


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