Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fabulous Finds

A quick trip from the Victorian into the future; the 1930s.
You know, when you're quick and wily, sometimes you really do find those 1930s evening gown patterns online...in excellent unused condition...for under a bazillion dollars. Case in point:

I randomly logged onto Etsy last night, and after 10 seconds of searching vintage patterns, saw the above.
$20, baby!!!

I barely looked, I just hit the Add To Cart/Buy It buttons after determining that it was a complete pattern.
I think all that Anders probably heard from his office down the hall, was an "AAAH!" or "HOLY SH*T, YOU ARE MINE!".
Factory folds, no missing pieces, envelope is in great condition with a few rumples on the corners. That's it!
Thank you again, Etsy ;-)
...and curse you. I told myself I was going to take a break from you.


  1. Hahaha I totally know what your talking about! ;) I've learned I don't need to run down the hall in a panic as if the house is burning down anymore when Michael does that to me, he just found something incredible on eBay ;)

    That pattern is gorgeous and will make for a great dress on you!!!

    1. Thanks! xoxo

      HA! I think the last time I saw a listing for a 1930s evening/afternoon gown pattern for so cheap/in such good condition on Etsy, it was snagged from me as I was trying to pay for it.
      Literally sniped while I was on the Paypal page :-/

      There was much yelling and fist shaking.


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