Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Insanity By Choice

This is only my 2nd or 3rd time doing cartridge pleats for a skirt, and this is probably the most fabric I've ever had to pleat to a waistband; 8+ yards of black cotton.
At least I found, in my wondrous stash, a heavy grosgrain and silk satin covered fabric belt. It's perfect for this heavy velvet skirt that needs a heavier foundation to hang from. While only the lower half of the skirt is made of the velvet (it would be much too thick to pleat and fit the bulk into the waistband), it already weighs a good amount. I am seriously considering putting a waistband on my hoop petticoat. The drawstring seems like it would be much too weak to hold the weight of the skirt, and coat skirts of velvet and fur, for any extended amount of time

I also took a break from this and made a fitted blouse today from a lightweight cotton sateen. This is not only something to wear under the Sisi velvet ensemble, but as part of an alternative outfit to wear this year at Dickens Fair. 

More photos of this soon. The dress form in the photo is actually about a size or two bigger than I am, but I just needed one that wasn't broken (like the one I was using that *is my size) to take photos on.
I used the Truly Victorian 1860s Darted Bodice - TV446, and extended the length from the waistline. I literally just added extra at will, which is why the hem is all crazy in back. I will even this out, but the little tail that happened in back is actually kind of cute
There are a few details I want to add during the week; a vintage lace collar and perhaps pleated or ruffled cuffs of the same fabric.
I'm also hoping that I can get a separate overskirt and swiss waist made by next weekend to wear with the above skirt and blouse at Dickens next weekend. Cross your fingers folks.
The Sisi ensemble is nearly done, but the finishing details on the coat are killing me.


  1. Are you speaking about the San Francisco Fair? I work there and would love to have a chance to admire this in person!

    1. Yes! The one at the Cow Palace ;-)
      What area might I see you?



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