Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rococo-inspired hairdo continued; A Few Tips

In regard to hair and my last post, here are a few tips for those who may be curious...

1. When it comes to styling one's hair, particularly when it comes to curling, take note of your hair type and it's condition. Un-colored/processed hair that is straight is not going to hold a curl as well as naturally wavy or chemically processed hair will.

2. Heat is your friend, but a curling iron will do nothing for you.
invest in hot rollers. skinny ones are the best for historical styles involving ringlets. I have the best luck with my set of Conair Hotstix; discontinued, but they keep re-releasing it in different colors, etc. They are bendy rubber rollers that have a metal coil inside that heats up. Hotter than your average hot roller, but not as hot as a curling iron.

3. Utilize hair pieces and/or wigs as much as possible, mix them into your own styling to create illusion.
This is especially true for 18th to 19th century styles, and hair pieces were used widely. Now that I'm not dying my hair black, it's been difficult to find a match for my natural color that varies from a light to medium blonde.
Human hair pieces can solve this, since you can dye them to match, heat style them and they last longer, unlike synthetics.
And they look less "plastic", for lack of a better term.
I don't have any extra pieces in my hair in the previous photo, but I wish I'd had some on hand.

More info soon!...


1 comment:

  1. One day when I get time I shal try it out,My hair is long so will take a good bit of curling and spraying.


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