Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spangles, where art thou?

I'm on the hunt for those tiny flat sequin-like embellishments, traditionally called "Spangles" or "Paillettes".
There are modern versions in plastic, but I would like to hopefully find the real metal ones, as seen on this waistcoat by Bjarne Drews.
They have proved a bit difficult to find in a color other than gold, but I may have found a few good sources. Two being hedgehoghandworks.com, and The Lacemaker.
If I decide I ever need to cheat and go with some made of more modern materials, Cartwright's Sequins might be a good bet as well.


  1. Bjarne buys his from Hedgehog. :) They are lovely, but he said that many were broken. However, I have a vague feeling that they have changed suppliers to the better.

  2. Not sure if they still have them but reconstructing history used to sell real silver and gold ones and several sizes.

  3. I purchase mine from Tinsel Trading Co. out of New York. The majority of their items are vintage, so also worth a look at their other items. The downside to ordering is they have a $75 min., though I spent much more than that by going to their store. XD Here is their site: http://www.tinseltrading.com/index.php

  4. I was also going to recommend Tinsel trading Co. They have nice products.


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